Maternal Health

  • Highlight the unacceptable levels of maternal mortality and morbidity that persist among poor and vulnerable sections as an issue of quality of care as well as an issue of violation of women’s rights.
  • Advocate for accessible, appropriate, quality, respectful and women-centered maternal health care services across the country.
  • Promote health system strengthening through accountability measures involving local communities

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Improving Maternal Health Care in India Before, During, and After the Pandemic (

On Going Projects / Activities….

Discourse building on women-centered maternal health care

The key strategy of the Government of India towards reducing maternal mortality has been to institutionalize childbirths and incentivize women for this through conditional cash transfer programs. While this has led to a large increase in institutional births over the last 15 years, there is a lot of evidence that Quality of Care in institutions has remained suboptimal. One of the key factors contributing to this has been the shortage of trained human resources to provide skilled and quality care to women in health facilities. In order to address this, the government launched a midwifery program in 2018, aiming to train nurses as midwives who will manage midwifery-led birthing units within the public health care system. However, there is already a large shortage of nurses within the health system, thus reducing the already inadequate pool of nurses.

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i. Experts’ consultation on women centered Maternal Health care in Mumbai

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